Jean Couturier, coordinator
Everything that is important to know about pressurized water reactor safety in nuclear power plants is compiled in this work of reference, from safety fundamentals and reactor design to provisions for managing a radiological or nuclear emergency. The book narrates the determined and continuous quest to enhance nuclear safety. Jean Couturier, coordinator and senior editor, covers the forty-year history of volution in the safety objectives, approaches, analysis methods and assessment criteria that have defined pressurized water reactor safety, mainly within the French nuclear power plant fleet, from the 1970s up to today’s Flamanville 3 EPR. Everyone, including current and future generations of engineers, researchers and, more broadly, any citizen interested in nuclear safety issues will find that the book reinforces their knowledge on this important subject, providing an understanding of the fundamentals, to the benefit of nuclear and radiological risk control.
ISBN (print): 978-2-7598-2722-0
ISBN (ebook): 978-2-7598-2723-7
ISBN (e-pub): 978-2-7598-2724-4
July 2022
1170 pages