First articles published in new fully Open Access Journals from EDP Open

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Paris, France, July 17th 2014 – EDP Open the new Open Access imprint from EDP Sciences has announced the publication of the first articles in their newly launched fully Gold Open Access Journals Manufacturing Review and EPJ Applied Metamaterials.

Manufacturing Review is a forum for presenting the latest advances, developments and applications of manufacturing engineering, technology and applied sciences; and EPJ Applied Metamaterials is a platform for multidisciplinary researchers to exchange information on metamaterials with a focus on high impact engineering applications. The first articles are now freely available to read online.

« At EDP we have a commitment to Open Access, supporting our society partners and developing our publishing programme in this arena », said Jean-Marc Quilbé President of EDP Sciences. « Our recent white paper on Learned Society attitudes to Open Access has generated considerable interest, and alongside our other Open Access activities such as launching new OA journals we can see our impact in the Open Access landscape is growing ».

As well as fully open access journals, EDP Open provides free and open access to more than 80,000 scientific articles from across all EDP Sciences’ journals and also hundreds of conference proceedings.

About EDP Sciences and EDP Open

EDP Sciences is a not-for-profit publisher, established in 1920, belonging to learned societies with a mission to participate in the dissemination of important research that accelerates scientific progress and cross-fertilisation of ideas of the society in general. EDP Open is the Open Access arm of EDP Sciences. EDP Sciences is located in Paris and London and publishes over 55 scientific journals in the physical sciences, mathematics, life and environmental sciences, energy, materials and engineering, health and biomedical sciences. It also publishes 20 professional magazines, conference proceedings and books.