Transition of Médecine Buccale Chirurgie Buccale to full Open Access

EDP Sciences and the French Society of Oral Surgery (SFCO) have announced the transition of Médecine Buccale Chirurgie Buccale from a subscription based journal to full Open Access starting with the first published issue of 2015. All future volumes and issues of the journal will be Open Access under a Creative Commons license 4.0.

This transition is driven by the ongoing movement for scientific literature to be Open Access for scientists, policy makers and the general public interested in research, and especially by the growing demands from funding agencies to ensure free access to research they have funded.

Simultaneously, access is given to the complete archives of the journal published with EDP Sciences, back to Volume 7, Issue 1. For members of SFCO, the printed version of the journal will continue to be published.

Please visite MBCB website:

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