Publish with us
EDP Open welcomes ideas and suggestions for new publications or transferring an existing publication.
EDP Open manages the founding of new journals:
- by itself
- supported by a community of researchers
- supported by institutions
- we welcome also projects of transfer of journals from unfair publishers.
EDP Open offers:
- Online editorial management system. Quick and easy online submission and article tracking (Editorial Manager® or Manuscript Management System).
- Copy editing, layout and production of articles, language editing, final proofing of articles.
- Hosting and technical management of the journal website.
- Article identification using DOI® (Digital Object Identifier), links in references to other publishers using Crossref®, E-first, E-mail alert, RSS feeds, an “intelligent” research engine, etc.
- Export of metadata and full-text articles to specialised databases and index services (ADS-Nasa, ISI, Pubmed, Medline®, Scopus, Google Scholar, Pascal, etc.).
- Export of articles to Green Repositories.
- Journal development and marketing.
These services contribute to improving the visibility of articles submitted by authors published by EDP Open, an imprint of EDP Sciences.
If you are interested, we would be pleased to explore this with you:
Please also feel free to get in touch if you are a library, institution or repository, and would like to discuss any kind of collaboration.